Together with Valentyna Romanova I edit the Annual Review of Regional Elections (ARoRE) which is published by Regional & Federal Studies in issue 3 (June) of each year. The main objective of the annual review is to systematically and comparatively report on regional elections across the globe. Annual reviews focus on elections for representative and executive bodies for regional government that are held for an intermediate tier between local and national government. Collectively the annual reviews will further our understanding of regional elections and will constitute an extensive resource on regional elections which includes detail on election results, electoral systems, party systems, and regional reforms.
The first ARoRE [Volume 28 (2018) issue 3] featured articles on regional elections held in Australia, Ethiopia, Germany, and Italy and reports on regional elections held in the Czech Republic, France, Philippines, and Romania.
The second ARoRE [Volume 29 (2019) issue 3] featured articles on regional elections held in Canada, India, Russia, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom and reports on regional elections held in Portugal and Slovakia.
The third ARoRE [Volume 30 (2020) issue 3] features articles on regional elections held in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Kenya, Nigeria, and the United States and reports on regional elections held in Denmark, Poland, South Korea, and Sweden.
The fourth ARoRE [Volume 31 (2021) issue 3] features articles on regional elections held in Argentina, Austria, Belgium, and Indonesia and reports on regional elections held in Hungary, Japan, Norway, the Netherlands, and Turkey.
In case you are interested to write an election article or an election report please contact me. Expressions of interest can be sent anytime and we accept invitations on a rolling basis. Election articles cover regional elections in federal and regionalised countries and are sent out for double-blind peer review. The word count of election articles should not exceed 8,000 words (including notes and references) and further guidelines can be found [here]. Election reports cover regional elections in unitary countries and will be reviewed by the annual review editors. The word count of election reports should not exceed 4,500 words (including notes and references) and further guidelines can be found [here]. Articles and report must be submitted through the online submission portal of ScholarOne Manuscripts and Regional & Federal Studies instructions for authors can be found [here]. Authors are also expected to submit regional election data with the article/report and further information and a format can be requested from me. The election data will be made available through the Observatory on Regional Democracy.