In my regional election research I am interested in three questions: When and where are regional electoral results different from national election outcomes? How does the vote vary across the territory? When and where do parties win or lose vote share in regional elections? These questions are explored with three comparative datasets which present data on (1) congruence between regional and national elections, (2) nationalization scores for party systems, parties and regions, and (3) vote share swings between regional and previously held national elections. Here you can find a codebook.

Congruence scores between regional and national elections. 

Citation: Schakel, Arjan H. (2013) 'Congruence between regional and national elections,' Comparative Political Studies 46 (5): 631-662. [doi] [pdf]

Nationalization scores for party systems, parties, and regions

Citation: Schakel, Arjan H. (2013) 'Nationalisation of multilevel party systems: A conceptual and empirical analysis,' European Journal of Political Research 52 (2): 212-236. [doi] [pdf] [appendix]

Vote share swings between regional and previously held national elections. 

Citation: Schakel, Arjan H. and Jeffery, Charlie (2013) 'Are regional elections really second-order?,' Regional Studies 47 (3): 323-341. [doi] [pdf]